Best yoga asanas to help ankylosing spondylitis condition

Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory disease in which the joints of vertebrae gradually gets fused together. Because of the fused vertebrae, the range of motion and flexibility of the spine decreases, causing pain in various day to day activities due to decreased stiffness in the whole body. Other joints of the body may also get affected due to this condition as a result of compensatory adaptations and will add up in reducing the efficiency of the person. Yoga is an amazing option that can help you increase the range of motion of your spine and spinal flexibility. It will help you reduce pain and stiffness caused due to the condition. Uttanasana, Pawanmuktasana, Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Naukasana, Chakrasana, Tiryaktadasana, Katichakrasana, Matsyendrasana are the asanas that will help in improving the condition of ankylosing spondylitis. It is very important to consult a doctor or a yoga therapist before starting any of these yoga asanas.


Stand straight with both feet together, and hands by your side. Now slowly inhale and lift your arms up straight above your head. Exhale and bend down to touch your toes with your hands keeping your knees straight. Do not force yourself too much but gradually try to go as down as possible. Maintain this position for 20-30 seconds. Come back with inhalation, do this for 10-12 times for 2 sets and relax after every set. Your body knows the best to avoid any movement when it is hurting too much. This asana will help you improve the flexibility, strength and range of the motion of spine. It helps in stretching hips, hamstrings. Thus, helps in increasing the overall mobility and flexibility for the forward bending actions.


Lie supine on the floor keeping your body straight and arms by your side. Slowly bend both knees and hold them together making a garland of your arms. Make a crab lock with both hands. Now pull your knees towards your chest and lift your head up. Try to touch your knees with your forehead. Keep your breathing normal. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Relax and keep your head down slowly, release your arms and keep your legs straight on the floor. Repeat this for 10-12 times for 2 sets and relax in Shavasana after every set. It is very relaxing pose and helps relaxing the back pain. This asana gives a good stretch to the spine and so keeps the spine mobile and maintain the mobility of spine for a longer period of time.


Sit straight with your back and neck straight. Keep your legs joined together. Now bend forward and make a hook of index finger and hold toe of same side finger. Bend forward and try to touch your head to your knee. If you are not able to hold your toes, try to go as forward as you can. Try to hold the position for 20-30 seconds and come back. Repeat this for 10-12 times for 2 sets and relax in Shavasana after every set. This asana gives a good stretch in hamstrings, lengthens whole spine and relieves back pain. It helps in stretching hips, hamstrings. Thus, helps in increasing the overall mobility and flexibility for the forward bending actions.


Lie straight on your abs with your arms by your side. Keep your toes relaxed, let the front of your feet lie on the ground. Now place your palms the side of your chest, in line with the nipples. Keep your elbows, touching the ground and tucked in towards your body. Now inhale and push your upper body on the arms. Try to come as up as possible, but do not straighten your elbows. If lifting up your elbows gives you much pain, do not lift them off the ground. Stay there for a few seconds and come down slowly. Repeat this for 10-12 times for 2 sets and relax after every set. This asana increases the blood circulation in the spine and is very good for strengthening back muscles. It increases the flexibility of spine and thus helps in maintaining proper posture of the body and keeps the spine mobile. This asana also helps in maintaining the range of motion of the spine in back bending movements.


Lie straight on your abs with your arms by your side. Make a fist with both the hands and place it under your thigh and elbows under your abdomen, adjust by slightly lifting your abdomen up. Place your chin on the ground. Inhale deeply and then lift both your legs up in air. Try to lift your legs as high as possible. If possible, allow your pelvis to go off the ground along with your leg. Slowly bring your leg down. Try to maintain the position for a few seconds up in air. Repeat it for 5-6 times and relax in Makarasana. This asana increases the blood circulation in the spine and is very good for strengthening back muscles. It increases the flexibility of spine and thus helps in maintaining proper posture of the body and keeps the spine mobile. This asana also helps in maintaining the range of motion of the spine in back bending movements.


Lie straight on your abs with your arms by your side. Keep your feet relaxed. Let dorsal part of your feet lie on the ground. Bend both your knees and catch hold of your ankles with same side hand. Slowly lift your upper body and thighs off the ground as much as possible. Do not release your ankle. Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly come down, release your legs and bring them to the starting position. Repeat this for 7-8 times and relax. This asana increases blood circulation in the spine and is very good for strengthening back muscles. It increases the flexibility of spine and thus helps in maintaining proper posture of the body and keeps the spine mobile. This asana also helps in maintaining the range of motion of the spine in back bending movements.


Lie on your back on the floor, keeping your body straight and arms by your side. Move your hands with your elbows straight to side of your ears. Now lift your both legs up together in air for about 45 degrees. Now breathe out, and slowly lift your upper body with your hands still straight. This will create a broad ‘V’ shape with your body. This asana helps in strengthening abdominal muscles and thus helps in preventing the postural imbalance between the back and abdominal muscles.


Lie down straight on your back keeping your legs and arms straight. Now fold your knees and place your feet firmly on the ground. Lift your hands and place your palms firmly on the floor, near your ears of same side. Make sure that your palms are pointing towards your shoulder. Push on the hands and feet to lift your body up. Maintain the position for 20-25 seconds. Gradually come down and relax. Doing this asana for 3-4 times would be enough. It helps in making spine flexible and strong. Keeps it mobile for a longer period of time.


Stand straight with feet shoulder distance wide and hands by your side. Now slowly inhale and lift your arms up straight above your head. Make a crab lock of your hands and turn your hands so that your palms are facing towards the sky. Stretch your body upwards and slowly bend to one side. Try to go as down as possible, but do not twist your body or move your legs. Stay there for few seconds and come back slowly. Now bend to the other side and go as down as possible, stay there for few seconds and come back slowly. Do this for 10-12 counts on each side for 2 sets and relax after every set. It helps in strengthening and increasing the flexibility of spine. It increases the side bending range of motion of the spine and helps in prolonging the bamboo condition of the spine.


Stand straight with your feet little wider than shoulder distance, and hands by your side. Now place your right hand on your left shoulder and make a fist of your left hand. Place the fist of left hand on center of your sacrum with your palms facing to your right. Now turn your upper body towards your left shoulder. Stay in this position for some time and come back. Change your hands and turn your upper body to your right. Stay in this position for some time and come back. Do this for 10-12 counts on each side for 2 sets and relax after every set. This asana helps in removing the stiffness in back, helps in toning lower back muscles, It helps in increasing the flexibility of spine. It increases the twisting motion of the spine and prolongs the bamboo condition of the spine.


Sit straight with your back and neck straight. Keep your legs in front of you, straight and joined together. Now fold your right knee and place right foot to the left of your left thigh. Bend your left leg from the knee so that the heel of left leg comes beside your right hip. Now place your left elbow on the outer side of your right thigh. Pushing your right thigh in, hold your ankle of the right leg with your left hand. Keep your right palm on the floor just behind you and twist your body towards your right shoulder. Maintain this position for 30 seconds and reverse all the steps in the same sequence you achieved the position. Relax and repeat the same with the other side. You can do this asana for 4-5 times for each side. This asana helps in removing the stiffness in back and toning lower back muscles. It helps in increasing the flexibility of spine. It increases the twisting motion of the spine and prolongs the stiffness in spine.

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